We were lucky to get Chyler Leigh back for the Armageddon Flash event just a few weeks after the finale last season on The Flash.And there are rumors we'll be getting a returning Supergirl character who never appeared,in the upcoming final season of The Flash(most are betting on Nicole Maines).But I so miss this show.It was my favorite Arrowverse show.Not because of the show itself but the characters.I Ioved Melissa and the rest of the cast as they played these characters.Melissa as Supergirl remains my favorite Arrowverse hero.
I also still remain very happy with how the show ended and considering the state of things,we may of really lucked out Supergirl ended when it did.
1)Batwoman canceled and ended on a setup for a season we would never get.Spoilers for the upcoming season of the Flash.
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Javicia Leslie is returning on The Flash this season for more than one episode.She is playing villain Red Death(in the comics,an evil speedster version of Batman from the Dark Multiverse)But she just seemed to confirm today on Instagram(since deleted) that she also back playing Batwoman on The Flash too.
2)Legends canceled and ended on a cliffhanger.Showrunner admitted they played a game of chicken with renewal even though was warned by CW,the show may be canceled and to plan the ending accordingly.
3)The Flash going into it's final season and ending on its own terms but with a shortened 13 episode season.
4)Stargirl canceled two weeks ago.They knew the show was endangered and so designed the season to have a satisfying series ending.Spoiler for another DC show.
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Stargirl(Brec Bassinger) is going to be appearing on an episode of Titans this season.Season 4 started on HBO Max last week
5)Superman & Lois, which cut ties with the Arrowverse Earth Prime is in in great danger to be canceled after season 3 following the new CW owner's Nexstar announcing their plans for the future of the network beginning with 2023/2024 season.More can be read here. https://deadline.com/2022/11/nexstar-the-cw-brad-schwartz-schitts-creek-warner-brothers-discovery-paramount-global-1235166587/
Supergirl got to end on it's own terms with a 20 episode final season.Arrow's final season was 10 episodes.Black Lightning was 13.The Flash will be 13.Batwoman,Legend,Stargirl canceled.Naomi was canceled.Superman & Lois if it ends with season 3 than also canceled with 15 episodes.Hopfully the showrunner plans accordingly like Stargirl and unlike Legends & Batwoman.Gotham Knights feels Dead On Arrival.The CW already announced no new show is geting a back order of episodes this season and again, the new owners plans are not a good sign.
Supergirl fans really lucked out.I miss the show and characters but I'm happy for what we got.
Link to the series finale recap.