I second kdogg87 “Yes, it’s never going to go away from a show like this.” We’ve talked about this extensively before but those who want to again have at it.
It should never be in a show like this in the first place. I agree with Captain Past. I've read a number of comics including Supergirl in the 80s and 90s and all the new 52 supergirls and much of the JLA and can't recall any social justice / political / whatever you want to call it in those comics. So do present superhero movies do it? Did Superman? Wonder Woman? Batman? JLA? none spent such effort trying to be a PSA so no, the statement should not be, " it’s never going to go away from a show like this" it should be "It should never be in a show like this."
Ok yes I realize Arrow did a gun episode and i did feel that was a bit off base too however to their credit they did a great job showing both sides and made you think, not told you what was right or wrong. Very good job to those writers.